3 Body Treatments for Contouring and Sculpting that You’ll Love 

Body undergoes many changes over a period of time. Women are often more susceptible to such changes due to hormonal fluctuations. Such fluctuations often result in issues like cellulite, skin sagging, and much much more. 

Considering how such changes in the body’s shape and size affect the confidence of women, we have made this guide about the 3 different body treatments that you can undergo to feel better and comfortable in your skin. Have a look!

  1. Cellulite Treatment

One of the first things that you have to know is that cellulite and fat are two different things. Losing fat, thus, does not guarantee that you’ll lose cellulite too. In fact, truth be told, there’s no permanent cure for cellulite. But, a combination of some Clinique Anti Aging cellulite treatments – listed below – improve the appearance and makes the skin more taut and toned. A couple of those treatments that offer the best results when performed in combination are:

  1. Radio-frequency lasers. 
  2. Erbium lasers and injections.

These treatments lead to bio stimulation that triggers collagen formation. Collagen has the power to heal old cells and restore their elasticity. As a result, the cellulite visibly reduces. 

But, remember, it’s not a permanent solution. You’ll have to have follow-up sessions. When maintained, the results will easily last for more than a year. 

  1. Radio-frequency for Body Contouring

One of the best things about this treatment is that it is non-invasive. This particular therapy makes use of the magnetic pulse therapy, varipulse technology, and multipolar radiofrequency to contour the body in a painless manner. 

The thermal impression targets fat cells and destroys them while also promoting the formation of collagen and new blood cells. The result is a toned body. 

A few key pointers about this treatment are as follows. 

  • It can be used to contour the face, arms, legs, abdomen, and neck. 
  • It visibly reduces cellulite and stretch marks too. 

Do visit the Clinique website to learn more about this treatment. 

  1. Tightsculpt Laser Contouring Treatment

This is yet another non-invasive body contouring treatment that’s carried out in two steps. 

  • The first step involves using the ND:YAG PIANO laser mode to metabolize fat cells.
  • The second step involves using the Er:YAG SMOOTH laser mode so that the treated area does not become saggy. Collagen is triggered in this step that makes the cells elastic and tight. 

All in all, these are the top 3 treatments that will certainly help you in accepting your body. Do visit the Clinique Anti Aging clinic to know more about such treatments by the best doctors in Montreal. 


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