Managing stress headaches

Stress headaches, also known as tension headaches, are amongst the most common aches experienced by the global population. They are remarked by pain in either one or both sides of the head. 

It can be dull or throbbing pain, depending on the intensity of the tension. Moreover, these headaches can also cause stiffness in the head, neck or forehead. Most often, these headaches are not debilitating, but in some cases, they turn into migraines, which are much more intense. 

Managing stress headaches 

Since stress is the root cause of these headaches, the treatment lies in mitigating the symptoms of stress. However, alongside stress management, it is important to know pain management tips as well. 

Whereas it is suggested that you visit your General Physician in Lahore when experiencing health issues, there are safe tips that you can do for get relief from stress headaches. 

OTC painkillers are helpful in this regard. Moreover, hot and cold packs are also beneficial for resolving muscular tension, and hence aches that accompanies stress. Alternative techniques like acupuncture, acupressure and massage therapy are also effective in many instances. 

Stress management techniques

You also need to learn how to remedy the root cause of the throbbing in your head. Following are some stress management techniques that also thus address stress headaches as well. 

Delegate tasks

We often take on too much on ourselves, mostly due to the rat race known as life. However, in this competitive streak, we neglect our wellbeing. The overwhelming workload, and constant demands made up work and family can then manifest in the form of high stress levels. 

Therefore, learn to delegate tasks. Do not take it upon yourself to be the most efficient person in the room. Tell your colleagues to chip in at work, ask your family to divide tasks at home, reschedule your friends if your day is hectic. Else, the stress and headaches will not go away. 

Seek psychological help 

Stress at times cannot be managed by relaxation techniques alone. The issues may be too deep founded, and not addressing them may then lead to further complications. It is even more pertinent for people battling with chronic stress and anxiety, and issues like panic attacks to seek psychological help then.

Your therapist might offer insight as to how to resolve the problem. Helpful techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy may employed. Some people might also need to use anti-anxiety drugs as well. 


Exercise is not just great for physical health, but also is beneficial for mental health. It promotes the release of endorphins, that not just is good for lowering stress in the body, but also is a good pain killer. 

Thus, to prevent future episodes of headaches and getting engulfed in stress, take up regular exercise. 

Prioritize your sleep

Stress gravely impairs the quality of sleep. Since our body needs sufficient and quality sleep for to function properly and recuperate from the wear and tear sustained through the day, lack of sleep thus has grave implications for the body. 

Stress interferes with sleep, and lack of sleep then leads to even more stress. Similarly, if you do not get proper sleep, even then you aggravate stress in the body. This vicious cycle impairs physical health and makes the symptoms of the headache even worse. 

Thus, make sure to prioritize your sleep. Have a sleep routine whereby you go to bed and wake up at a specific time. Refrain from using screen in bed, as the blue light from the screens keeps sleep at bay. Likewise, do not eat before bedtime, especially heavy cheesy and spicy food. 

Watch your habits

Stress and subsequent headaches can be exacerbated by smoking.  Similarly, excessive consumption of caffeine can also aggravate the symptoms of stress. 

Therefore, be sure to curtail these habits that are making your condition worse. 


We are social animals, and we naturally do crave human contact. Our friends and family help provide solace and support. They also offer fresh perspective to help you evaluate your choices. 

Our loved ones also are great for providing us with the much-needed counselling. They provide emotional support, that is vital for improved mental health. 

Socializing also helps break the rut of life and takes mind off the stress and its causes as well. So, be sure to spend plenty of quality time with your friends and family!

Laugh out loud 

Laughter helps in releasing endorphins, the good hormones that help in lowering stress levels.  It also is good for improving and uplifting the mood. Laughing also helps in getting rid of the negative vibes holding you down, that are the source of your stress. Some may even feel their muscles relaxing after a good bout of laughter. 

Thus, practice laughter therapy when you feel pressured and stressed. Watch your favorite sitcom, put on some cartoons, a prank show or read a good knock-knock joke. You can also call up your funny friend and let them help you laugh out loud. 

Getting Help

Despite trying to control your stress levels, it may very well be the case that headaches still persist. In that case, visit your General Physician in Islamabad for the safest treatment option. Abusing pain killers also poses all sorts of risks and dangers, which is why expert intervention is always the safest route. 


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