Five Health Signs in Pets that Pet Parents Must Pay Attention to in Kitchener

As a pet parent, you probably wish your beloved pets could tell you whenever they feel unwell. Sadly, they can’t. Thus, you should be alert to changes in their health. Also, you should know when you need to see a Kitchener emergency vet. The following are health signs in your pet you must keep an eye on:

Sudden Weight Gain or Loss

A weight gain or loss in pets without an obvious cause may mean a severe condition. This can be due to metabolic disorders, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, kidney or liver disease, thyroid dysfunction, anxiety, and dental disease. 

The body condition score of your dog or cat is a quantitative evaluation of their fat accumulation and indicates a healthy weight. Your vet can assess this score and gauge the healthy weight of your pet. If your pet is suddenly losing or gaining weight, transport them to a vet’s clinic for further assessment and diagnosis. 

 Increase Water Consumption

The amount of water your pet consumes can say something about their general health. For every animal, hydration is essential and helps body organs function properly. But if your pet is consuming more water than usual, this can indicate different health problems like dental issues, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, kidney disease, cancer, arthritis, or infection. 

If your pet takes part in a vigorous type of exercise or play, they tend to consume more water than usual. This is also true during warmer weather. But if your pet is always drinking plenty of water, your vet must check it out. 

Lethargy or Weakness

Is your pet showing unusual weakness, lethargy, or reluctance to participate in activities they enjoy? If so, this can indicate pain, underlying health issues, or an illness. As with humans, pets have lazy days. However, persistent weakness or lethargy warrants an examination by a vet to rule out severe issues. 

Difficulty Breathing

Coughing, labored breathing, or wheezing must be taken seriously. If your dog or cat is having difficulty breathing, it is an emergency. Transport them to an emergency vet clinic or contact your vet for instructions. Breathing difficulties in pets may be due to respiratory infections, allergies, asthma, heart disease, heart failure, chronic conditions, and laryngeal paralysis.

Changes in Elimination Habits

Changed bathroom habits in pets can be due to a health issue. Difficulty urinating, blood in the feces or urine, constipation, or diarrhea may be due to an underlying condition like urinary tract infections, cancer, or gastrointestinal disorders. Monitor the bathroom habits of your pet and seek advice from your vet for persistent changes. 

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