What Is Lap Band Surgery? Lap band surgery is a procedure that helps people lose weight. It’s a good option for those who have been unsuccessful at losing weight with other treatments. The surgery involves the placement of an adjustable band around the stomach to create a small pouch, which limits how much food can be eaten before feeling full. In this article, we’ll explore what you can expect after lap band surgery.
1. The hunger
One of the biggest things you will notice after lap band surgery is a low level of hunger. This can be distressing at first, but it is a good thing because your stomach is now much smaller and therefore cannot hold very much food. In order to avoid feeling hungry all the time, stick with mostly healthy foods that provide plenty of nutrition like vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole-grain pastas.
2. The thirst
Your need for water will increase dramatically. This is because your body is now absorbing the water your intake much more efficiently than before lap band surgery. You may even notice that you feel thirsty all the time. Don’t force yourself to drink large amounts, but rather drink small amounts more often to avoid dehydration.
3. Diet changes
Your diet will need to change drastically as you lose weight. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they are packed with nutritional value but very low in calories. Remember that your diet should consist mainly of nutritious whole foods.
4. Increased energy levels
After your recovery time for lap band surgery, you will notice that your energy levels increase significantly. This is because your body no longer has to use as much effort or spend as much energy on movement and digestion. Your body will become more efficient and effective with the way it uses its resources, thus creating an abundance of energy.
5. Reduced joint pain
As you lose weight, your joint pain will begin to decrease. Weight is often what causes joint pain because it puts excessive strain on them. As excess weight is lost, the pressure and stress placed upon joints decrease significantly. This can be a welcome relief for people who have arthritic conditions or other chronic injuries.
6. Reduced sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing becomes obstructed for extended periods of time, usually when sleeping. The risk factors associated with sleep apnea are obesity and age. So, after undergoing Lap Band Surgery in Roswell, NM, the severity of your sleep apnea is reduced significantly, thus allowing you to have better quality sleep at night.
We hope that the information you’ve gained from this article has helped to put your mind at ease about what life may be like after lap band surgery. You may need a few modifications in your diet especially, but it definitely is worth the procedure!